3 Teachers of An Islamic School Booked Under PSA

3 Teachers of An Islamic School Booked Under PSA

Accused of radicalizing youth

Shopian, Oct 12: 3 teachers of a religious school in Shopian district under the stringent Public Safety Act (PSA) after it came to the fore that some of its students and alumni were found involved in militant activities.
It is pertinent to mention that the school’s students mainly hail from Kulgam, Pulwama and Anantnag, considered hotbeds of militancy
A religious school in Shopian district of south Kashmir has come under the scanner of investigating agencies after 13 of its students were found to have joined terror groups, officials said here.
The institution’s students include Sajjad Bhat, an accused in the February 2019 suicide attack on a CRPF convoy in Pulwama that left 40 personnel dead.
The school’s students mainly hail from Kulgam, Pulwama and Anantnag districts of south Kashmir, considered by the intelligence agencies to be the hotbeds of militancy and breeding grounds for recruitment of locals into various terror groups, officials said. (CNS)


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