An alleged fake encounter police arrests 2 persons in South Kashmir

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alleged fake encounter

Shopian, Sep 29 : The Jammu and Kashmir police has arrested two persons in connection with the Amshipora Shopian encounter in which three labourers from Rajouri were killed in an alleged fake encounter.

A senior police officer told Kashmir Despatch that the two persons were detained on the charges of hatching a conspiracy for murder.

The two detained persons are said to be from Chowgam Shopian and Nikas Arabal Pulwama.

Sources revealed to the Kashmir Despatch that the two arrested persons are local collaborators who have been detained by the police on the charges of criminal conspiracy under relevant sections in an FIR Number 42/2020. Both the arrested persons are undergoing further investigations to reveal the chain of events that led to cold blooded murder of three missing labourers who were later dupped as militants.

Pertinently, The Director General of Police Dilbagh Singh yesterday assured that police will conduct an impartial and fair probe into the incident following the disclosures that the samples of DNA taken from the parents of the missing labourers in Rajouri matched with the bodies of alleged militants.

It is pertinent to mention here that court of inquiry constituted by the Army to investigate Amshipora Shopian encounter also arrived at a conclusion that the Army unit involved in the shootout had exceeded the armed forces special powers act, army conduct rules and the special operating procedure guidelines given by the supreme court of India in the incident.


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