Bandipora police in a post on X, as per the news agency informed that the accused army personnel has been detained..
Police said that in the incident one army man has died and another one was injured, while legal action has been initiated.
“There has been an accidental discharge of weapon resulting in one fatal casuality and one injury to army personnel. Accused army personnel has been detained. Necessary legal action has been initiated,” police posted on X—(KNO)
Bandipora, Sep 17 : An army man died, while another one was injured after service rifle of one of the army men accidently went off in Bapora area of north Kashmir’s Bandipora district.
Bandipora police in a post on X, as per the news agency informed that the accused army personnel has been detained.
Police said that in the incident one army man has died and another one was injured, while legal action has been initiated.
“There has been an accidental discharge of weapon resulting in one fatal casuality and one injury to army personnel. Accused army personnel has been detained. Necessary legal action has been initiated,” police posted on X—(KNO)
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