Cyber Police Station Kashmir Zone, Srinagar traces and recovers Smartphones worth lakhs of rupees

April 27: “`The Cyber Police Kashmir Zone, Srinagar has successfully recovered and returned 30 missing smartphones worth lakhs of rupees to their rightful owners. To enhance public service and address grievances, the Cyber Police Kashmir Zone, Srinagar is now accepting applications and reports from the general public regarding missing cell phones.

The dedicated technical team of the Cyber Police Kashmir Zone, Srinagar has been relentless in their efforts, successfully tracing 30 missing smartphones of various makes and models worth lakhs of rupees. These devices were promptly returned to their rightful owners today at the Cyber Police Station Kashmir Zone, Srinagar.

In addition to tracing missing mobile phones, the Cyber Police Kashmir Zone, Srinagar, continues to assist citizens with various technological challenges encountered in their daily lives, including addressing online frauds, scams and other cyber-related crimes reported in the Cyber Police Station Kashmir Zone, Srinagar on a routine basis.

Under the guidance of the Inspector General of Police Kashmir Zone, the Cyber Police Kashmir has initiated various awareness campaigns and programs to educate the public about contemporary online frauds and scams. The Cyber Police Kashmir Zone, Srinagar strongly advises the general public against sharing bank details, account information, personal details, OTPs, or any sensitive information with anyone.

The efforts of the Cyber Police Kashmir Zone, Srinagar have been widely appreciated by the general public, who acknowledge and applaud their role in providing valuable services to the community.`

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