Dr. Mohmmad Idrees
Budgan:In an event at Govt Degree College Chrari sharif, legends of sufiyana & Folk music artists were honored in an impressive function organised by Budshah Cultural Organisation Wathora. Those present included chairman Kashmir society Farooq Renzu ,Assistant Director News Doordarshan Shabir Ahmad, Principal Govt. Degree college Chrarsharif Prof.Ravina Hasan,Cultural activist Mohiudin Ajiz,Socio literary activist Gulshan Badarni, Sufi poet Sadoor sahab,Shahjahan Ahmad, Folk theatre exponent, large number of students & staff of GDC Chrar e sharief.
Those felicitated on the occasion include Ustaads of Folk theatre & sufiyana Music of Budgam district who not have created a niche for themselves but rediscovered the dying Folk form of Kashmir.. Live performances by sufiyana music students & music fusion on all the instruments of Kashmir was the main attraction
Dr. Rafeeq Masoodi,IBS, former secretary cultural academy, ADG Doordarshan & patron of 52 year cultural movement Adbi Markaz Kamraz (amk) presided & gave away awards to the legends. He urged students & young generation to learn tp respect vetern n legends of our culture,art,Literature & society as is being done by south Indian & Bengali people where,he Said, artists writers & intellectuals are infact worshiped in their traditional way.He also requested Govt to restore the autonomous character of cultural academy which of late has gone into hibernation due of many reasons while there are very highly talented people on staff there.
Faruq Renzu shah also invited students to get inspiration from these legends and past.
Event was very ably and professionally presented & compared by Broadcaster Gulshan Badarni.

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