Salvatore International School Organized Annual Meet And Greet Programme at Shilvat Bandipora.

September 30, 2023
Salvatore International School Organized Annual Meet And Greet Programme at Shilvat Bandipora.

Umar Afzal

Bandipora:- Salvatore International School Organised Annual Meet And Greet Programme In Their Institution at Shilvat area of Bandipora District on Saturday.

The programme was presided by Chairman Private School Association G N Var, besides him DDC Chairperson Bandipora Abdul Gani Bhat, DDC Sumbal, SDPO , Chairman SSM College were present in the programme.

Parents assembled at The Institutions and graced the programme. During the programme students of the Institutions presents different Cultural programme infront of the guests.

Parents also takes part in different activities, at the end of the programme students who takes part in different activities were facilitated by the guests.

Also Registrar SSM College, Principal SSM Polytechnic, Cheif Administrative Officer SSM College, Vice Chairperson Of SSM College was present in the programme.

Umar Afzal
Umar Afzal

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