Scores of renowned socio-political activists from Trehgam Constituency join PC

April 12, 2024

Ex-MLA Adv. Bashir Ahmad Dar welcomes the new entrants

Srinagar, April 12: J&K Peoples Conference warmly welcomed scores of individuals from diverse socio-political backgrounds in Pazipora Check area of the Trehgam Constituency, who enthusiastically joined the party-fold while embracing its vision for development and dignity.

The joining ceremony was presided over by party’s senior leader and former MLA Kupwara, Advocate Bashir Ahmad Dar, who extended a hearty welcome to the new members and stressed for inclusivity and unity in addressing the socio-political challenges faced by the common masses.

“It’s evident that our party leadership’s steadfast efforts to bring about transformative positive change at the grassroots level are being recognized by everyone across J&K. It mirrors the collective desire of the people to prioritize development over emotive political tactics,” he said.

He further underlined that Peoples Conference has emerged as a formidable political force that advocates not only for the aspirations and well-being of the people of J&K but also emphasizes on the dignity of every individual.

“The essence of our democracy thrives on the diversity of voices and perspectives it cherishes. Our party upholds the importance of equal participation and holistic development of every region. With the continued surge of support from thousands of socio-political workers, our party leadership reaffirms its commitment to promoting inclusive governance focused on development,” he emphasized.

Among the dignitaries present at this joining ceremony included, Trehgam Constituency Convenor Sheikh Aslam, YJKPC District Secretary Gazi Imran and Block President Haji Ab Aziz Mir from Gushi.

The new members praised the camaraderie and unity demonstrated by the party’s rank and file, pledging to work at the grassroots level to further promote the PC’s agenda centered around the public interests.

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